Work-Related Injuries

Alpine Podiatry Center offers treatment for work-related injuries. We provide quality patient care and expertise in working with workers' compensation insurance companies.

The first thing to do in the event of a work-related injury is to report it to Human Resources and then seek treatment.

Common on-the-job injuries treated by orthopedic offices are:

  • Overexertion injuries

  • Reaction injuries

  • Repetitive motion injuries

Overexertion injuries are the most common and caused when the body is pushed beyond its physical limits, typically back injuries. An overexertion injury is usually acute and requires treatment before returning to the job. Treatment of the pain is generally handled with heat or ice, rest, and anti-inflammatory medications.

Reaction injuries are caused by a sudden reaction to tripping, slipping, bending, reaching, or maybe even just sitting down. The resultant pain can progress into a severe issue if left untreated, even if it seems a minor issue initially.

Repetitive motion injuries are caused by making the same motions over and over, such as assembly line work or typing. Carpal tunnel syndrome is the result of typing and affects the tendons and muscles of the wrists.

The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons estimates that approximately 25 million employees will lose up to 7 days of work every year due to back pain alone.

If you have had an injury in the workplace, call the office for an appointment, or have your case manager contact us.