Diabetic Foot Care

Diabetes doesn't just affect your blood sugar. As time goes on, it affects blood vessels, nerve endings, and the ability to heal. The progressive nature of these problems leave the feet vulnerable to injury, infection, and can lead to the need for amputation.

Diabetic foot care starts at home. Every day, you should:

  • Do a foot inspection. Call the office immediately if you find any sores, blisters, ulcers, bruises, cuts, or red areas. If you have problems inspecting your feet, you can try using a mirror or asking someone to help you.

  • Wash your feet with mild soap and warm water. Harsh chemicals in some soaps and hot water can cause skin damage, and patients with nerve damage cannot feel if the water is too hot.

  • Dry your feet thoroughly and be sure to dry the areas between the toes. Moisture can promote infection.

  • Moisturize. Use a good moisturizing cream or oil, especially if there are rough, dry areas, but do not put the moisturizer between the toes.

  • At every regular doctor's appointment, have your feet inspected. If you have decreased mobility or vision issues, regular podiatry appointments are essential.

Alpine Podiatry Center is committed to providing the best diabetic healthcare. Dr. Paukovitz and Dr. Crabtree are specially trained to develop and manage treatment and prevention plans. Call for an appointment today.